• Brigitta Schulz at the KunstReich Gallery

Since May 30, works by artist Brigitta Schulz have been on display at the KunstReich gallery in the REDUCE Hotel Vital ****S. The artist has been painting for 20 years now. In order to continuously expand and refine her skills, she has attended various courses at the renowned Kunstfabrik in Vienna and at the Volkshochschule (VHS) in Wiener Neustadt. She has also benefited from the expertise and techniques of various artists. In her work, she experiments with an impressive range of materials. She uses acrylic paints, watercolor, charcoal, pencil, crayons and pastels to bring her artistic visions to life. Her motifs are as diverse as her materials.


Works by
artist Brigitta Schulz in the KunstReich gallery
in the REDUCE Hotel Vital ****S Bad Tatzmannsdorf
from May 30 to July 24, 2024

Access via the reception at REDUCE Hotel Vital ****S.


REDUCE Gesundheitsresort Bad Tatzmannsdorf
Alexandra Klucsarits
Team Leader Marketing

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