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Gain mental strength

Spa medicine has always known about the importance of mental well-being for maintaining and regaining health. Whereas in the past we promoted well-being in the spa primarily by creating a pleasant ambience, today we also use our psychological knowledge. Numerous physical and mental illnesses would be avoidable if people behaved differently or if their coping strategies were more efficient.

What can you do?

Especially the relief from everyday life and the "time for oneself" during a cure are good prerequisites for a mental as-is analysis. The health psychology in our resort helps with this and with the implementation of possible change requests with a wide range of offers. Depending on the individual situation, different forms of health psychology support are recommended. Group workshops motivate participants to work together to find ways out of a problem that affects all participants equally. Lectures provide valuable impulses and food for thought for a new, health-oriented lifestyle.

Individual psychological consultations

The psychological individual counseling offers a very confidential atmosphere in which very individual solutions can emerge. Following on from a group session, but also quite independently of it, one formulates concrete goals of a healthy lifestyle and their implementation in personal everyday life with foresight.

Lifestyle, rethought

During impulse lectures, the healthy lifestyle is considered psychologically. Participants learn to recognize stress, burnout and other warning signs in good time and to identify external and personal triggers and reinforcers. The goal is to identify possible starting points for change.

How can we help?

In joint workshops, the topic of stress is examined from different perspectives. The participants actively exchange their experiences and perceptions. Solutions are developed in the group. For your way out of nicotine addiction, motivational lectures as well as group workshops provide important impulses, food for thought and information for your healthy life in (smoking) freedom.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation (PME) is a way to deal more calmly with the challenges of everyday life and work. The body-oriented relaxation method is based on the alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

After some practice, in addition to physical relaxation, mental relaxation, a better switch off from everyday life and generally an improvement in the state of mind can be achieved.

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3 weeks for your health and more healthy years of life!


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