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3D - Bodyscan body analysis with Bodygee

Health is our most valuable asset. At REDUCE health resort we use innovative technologies to get accurate analysis and results. 3D body analysis provides a visual 3D representation of one's body. Infrared technology is used to scan the body with the highest accuracy and create an avatar.

Automatically measured:
  • Body size and 7 anatomical body circumferences (e.g. abdomen, hips, thighs ...)
  • Weight
  • Body fat percentage
  • Lean mass (bones, muscles)
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Ratio waist - hip - circumference = WHR
  • This can be used to determine a risk for metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases or diabetes, for example.
  • Resting metabolic rate (energy demand at rest) = RMR
  • Guests will receive a complete evaluation.

> Price 3D Body Analysis Bodyscan

3D Bodyscan body analysis (visual 3D representation of your own body) excl. analysis consultation approx. 10 min. € 27,00
3D body scan body analysis 35 min. incl. analysis consultation€ 80,00

Price list as at 01/2025. The prices stated lose their validity with the publication of a new price list.

What is special about infrared technology?

  • The body is scanned with the highest accuracy
  • No physical contact
  • No contraindications

What analyses are created after the measurement?

Circumference analysis:
7 anatomical body circumferences are automatically determined.

Shape Analysis:
Measures the cross-sections of each body segment and allows (visual) analysis of the body mass in each segment.

Posture Analysis
This can be used to identify an incorrect posture pattern.

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